Safeguarding and GDPR

Safeguarding Policy.
An overall approach to child safeguarding is rooted in understanding the risks to children from the organisation, (its staff, programmes and operations) and addressing those risks with measures that create child-safe organisations. Acknowledging risks and implementing measures to address them is fundamental to organisations’ strategies and governance. The more this is recognised, the more risks can be prevented.
Miss Steph also takes part in annual training courses to support her knowledge in Child Protection and E-Safety.

Handover of children to a Parent/Guardian
The Stage Door Academy staff take responsibility of all children in the studio once signed into classes by a parent/guardian.

Our handover procedure is as follows:
At the end of class children will line up at the studio door youngest to oldest (this ensures the younger children have a clear view of their parent/guardian first) a member of the team will call their name and wait until their parent/guardian steps forward to collect them. The child will then be ticked off our class list as collected.

If another member of your family or friend is collecting your child, you must inform a member of staff at the beginning of class, so we are aware of the change and we also ask that you provide us a password. Your child will not be handed over at the end of class until the password requested has been given to a member of staff, by the person collecting your child, and that the staff member has received a positive recognition from the child. Every parent/guardian must come into the studio to collect their child, under no circumstances will a child be allowed out of the building without their parent/guardian present.

Questions by parents or guardians should be asked once all children are in lesson. No queries or conversations can take place during handover periods to ensure all children reach their parent/guardian. If you have an important question that you could not ask at the start of class, please email or message Steph who will respond asap.
If you would like to see our full safeguarding policy alongside Miss Steph’s certifications, please speak to Jan who can produce these documents.

GDPR Policy and Privacy Notice.
We are committed to the principles inherent in the GDPR and guidance issued by the ICO. We aim to ensure that
- Transparency with regards to the use of data
- Any processing of data is lawful, fair, transparent, and necessary for a specific purpose
- That data is accurate, kept up to date and removed when no longer necessary
- That data is kept safely and securely

All of our data collected is stored within the EU. We take care to only use reputable organisations who comply with all aspects of the GDPR to ensure your data remains safe and secure.
Your data will only be viewed and available to Miss Steph and Jan and can be deleted at any time upon your request. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding GDPR, data protection including the right to be forgotten then you should email [email protected] or view the class for kids full legal terms here: 

ClassForKids - Privacy Policy